Miyerkules, Disyembre 19, 2012

The Positives of Hiring a Graphic Designer in New York

Individuals who are thinking about publishing their own pamphlets or advertisements will likely need help with their page layout options. By commandeering a good graphic designer New York residents can quickly develop some design blueprints and soon send their creations off to be published. Page layout in particular involves bringing a wider variety of components together into a harmonious whole. Images, text, and white space must all be considered fully. An overuse of images, for example, can crowd the page and lead to a rather unprofessional appearance. Too much text, on the other hand, will leave the reader uninterested and quick to move on to something else.

Graphic designers can also help with color. They’ll likely have some degree of background in the fine arts, which will mean that many of them may have experience with drawing or even painting. They will also have an intimate understanding of how varying colors work together. A use of many different bright colors in a very narrow area will lead to clashing, which is never good for the viewer. Bold colors, when used with lighter accent colors, will work just fine. In many cases, colors can take a paper publication or a web page to a whole new level.

When looking around for a graphic designer New York business owners should search for someone who is also quite the whiz on the computer. In fact, because many of today’s publications are designed almost entirely on the computer, digital knowledge will be extremely important. Men and women who have mastered an array of software programs will usually have quite innovative methods of working. If there are layout snags that threaten the project, they will quickly be able to find a solution so that the project can continue on unhindered.

Ultimately, when choosing a graphic designer New York residents should push the envelope whenever possible. If they mainly need help with improving their electronic presence, then they should choose someone who also has some degree of marketing knowledge. These individuals can help improve various design features so that customers can more easily find their way around the site. This will eventually lead to better sales figures and a higher profit. Once business owners have found someone who they can rely on through various phases of the project, they can formulate a budget and begin moving forward with their plans for success.

Lunes, Oktubre 15, 2012

About New York SEO

Those who are new at owning websites or blogs must have come across the term search engine optimization or SEO. There are those who have owned blogs and websites for a long time and yet do not know much about SEO. New York SEO is extremely important for businesses that are in operations in that area.

SEO is important as it plays a vital role in increasing web traffic. If your site receives a handful of visitors a day, then it is not effective. The essence of having a website is either to send out a message or sell a good or service. Increased traffic generates leads that can be converted to sales.

SEO is the use of keywords and phrases in the content that you use in your website. Over two billion people click on search engines each day. They use keywords to get the information they require. Most of those searching will only look at the first page, which means that you must have a high page ranking for your website. This will make it visible to many people.

Most website owners hire companies to optimize their websites. New York SEO companies offer professional search engine optimization services to their clients.

SEO is about making your website visible to the main search engines; the site becomes visible to search engines if they contain some on and off page factors. SEO involves many activities such as Meta descriptions and image tags that are extremely accurate. The name of your website will also play a role in determining your rank in the SEO. It is advisable to maintain a domain that matches the keywords. The keywords you use should be targeted to your specific niche. While selecting keywords, it is vital to keep your focus on the service or product. The keywords you use can assist potential clients in finding your organization hence they must be optimized.

Some website owners prefer handling their own web marketing. This is because some of the web owners know a lot about internet marketing. There are those who may have discovered other methods of increasing web traffic apart from SEO. However, there are New York SEO companies that can handle internet marketing for your organization. Hiring a professional company is beneficial as it gives the business owners enough time to handle their core business. By comparing the rates of two or more New York SEO companies, it is possible to get a good deal.

Linggo, Setyembre 9, 2012

Branding a Company through Communication

Although the Internet opened up worlds of communication between companies and customers that were otherwise closed, it is still essential to use these new lines of communication most effectively in order to properly brand a company to an audience.

Corporate branding online is much different from corporate branding off-line. Online, corporate branding is all about content and personal communication. Even though the immediate access to larger audiences may tempt you to employ mass marketing schemes to get more business quickly, know that they will not work in the long-term. They definitely will not help to build a corporate brand that customers will remember.

Personal communication means that you will only be able to use marketing automation programs judiciously. There needs to be a person behind the tweets and Facebook posts that are sent out on a regular basis by your company. People are quickly becoming able to tell the difference between messages that are generated by automated marketing programs and those that are personally directed at them by an individual.

How you respond to negative communication also dictates how many customers will communicate with you. On the Internet, negative reviews are immediate and very public. Anyone can post them and anyone can view them. What is more important than the posting of a negative review about your company is how you handle it. This has the potential to take your corporate branding efforts to the next level or completely stop them in their tracks.

When you receive negative communication, it is essential that you respond to it personally, immediately and positively. There should be no automated response for a complaint that a customer has made; rather, it should be addressed personally.

Complaint should also be addressed immediately. Whether you know it or not, people are always looking at your social media pages for indications of the quality of your brand. Negative messages always draw the eye more readily than any other type of message. If there are negative messages all over your pages with no response, new potential customers may be turned off by this.

However, if there are some negative comments on your wall that are immediately addressed by your company, it shows liveliness and a willingness to engage a consumer on his level. The last characteristic of this communication is that it be positive.

Most people who complain are only doing so to test the response of the business. If your response focuses on finding a solution, you will most likely turn these negative reviewers into loyal customers. Other customers will see this behavior and be much more likely to give your company a chance and view you as a quality brand in your industry.

Huwebes, Agosto 9, 2012

Graphic Design Services For Direct Mail

Graphic Design New York companies can have a profound effect on your marketing and sales. One of the areas where this can be seen is with sales literature that is used in a direct marketing campaign. There are several ways to create a direct marketing campaign, but for local services in New York it is often done offline. This means hard copy sales literature that is distributed directly into the hands of the prospective customer.

How successful this marketing will be is dependent upon the content and style of the literature. Whether this literature comes in the mail or is hand delivered to the prospective customer, it takes more than a well written advertisement to get a sale. You may be able to write a great advertisement, but the literature must be able to catch the eye of the recipient. Without getting their attention, they will likely not read anything.

This is where the services of a good graphic design New York company can help you. They not only have skills with creating images but also know what type of graphics are more effective than others. They will be able to design graphics that will complement your company and the product that you are offering. They can create eye catching images that will entice the recipient into reading your advertising.

Graphics do not end with the initial images that capture a person's attention but can be integrated into the text of the advertisement. This creates more curiosity and a desire to read further into the text of the sales literature.

Not only will your literature have visual appeal but will also look professional. Literature done with the services of a good Graphic Design New York company can make your business look much larger that it is. It will appear as if your company has its own graphic arts department.

The same graphic design company that can help you enhance your sales literature can also help design a company logo. It is amazing how many businesses have no logo associated withe their business. A logo can be created and placed on all of your sales literature. For a local company here in New York, a flyer with your logo can be associated with the sign on the front of your business. When people cannot remember the particulars of the written word, they will remember the image of the logo when they see it again.

Lunes, Hulyo 23, 2012

Social Media Marketing Services Get Started Right

Social Media marketing is essential to today’s businesses, but who has the time to do all the research. Most small business owner spend all day working in their business and then they are spending hours at night trying to learn all the rules and ins and outs of how this social media stuff can help them with their business. The problem is there are so many types of social media and so many rules, etiquettes and software, that it can be very hard to pick where to start.

When you are trying to run your business and make a profit, you just do not always have the luxury to learn how a new system works. So what can you do if you want to benefits from the social media arena, but you do not have the time to invest in learning how to do everything? The best solution is to choose a company that specializes in social media marketing services.

So what are some of the benefits of hiring one of these companies to help you with your social media campaign? These companies can help you create your businesses profile across all social media platforms. They can help you to decide which social outlets will work best for your business and how best to set up the campaign. These social media marketing services can help you get your social media marketing started on the right foot.

If you have an in house social media staff they can also help to train and collaborate with your staff to help them achieve the best possible results for your online strategies. They can train your staff on any strategies they may not be familiar with as well. They will help them optimize their results on things they are already implementing.

If you do not have a in house social media staff, then these social media marketing services can provide these services for you. The can do such things work through your profiles to build relationships with potential customers and clients for you. They can also do set up other strategies and maintain how they are run so that you do not have to learn about it if you do not have the time.

These social media marketing services enable a small business owner to do what they do best, take care of their customers. If you are looking to create a social media presence, but do not know where to begin or do not have the time then consider these services. It is important that your business get off on the right foot online.

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2012

Things You Need to Know About SEO Consulting Services

Many online business owners are quite familiar with the concept of SEO consulting services. However, for those stating businessmen and for those who are looking for another viable method of marketing, search engine optimization can really boost your online business. However, you should not readily jump in to this marketing strategy. There are a lot of things that you should know first before going for SEO. Like any other method of marketing, SEO has its own pros and cons that every online business owner should definitely know and understand. Here are some of the pros of SEO for your online business.

Hiring an SEO consulting service is way cheaper than sponsoring videos or buying placements in popular social networking sites. Search engine optimization is a cost-effective way of increasing the popularity of your online business’ website or page. Some business owners who have significant amount of knowledge on the Internet can even implement this marketing strategy without having to hire somebody else to do it.

By optimizing your website and online articles to work great with the popular search engines, such as Yahoo and Google, can allow you to increase the traffic for you website. Increased traffic in your business’ website means that there are more potential customers who are visiting and browsing your website.

Back links are easier to set up to your website instead of recording and distributing other types of promotional materials. Collaborating with other website developers and business owners can make marketing and promoting your business a lot easier.

These benefits of SEO can be very tempting for online business owners. However, if you would be using this method, then you are also making your business’ website more vulnerable to the risks of this method. In addition, you would be exposing yourself to increased number of risks by implementing the SEO by yourself. To minimize the risks, then you should definitely consider hiring an SEO consulting expert for your online business. Here are some of the major cons of using SEO for your business.

You may have the risk of being a considered a Black Hat SEO user.  Being a black hat user means that you are using the keywords improperly in your online articles in your website. It may be done by overusing or overstuffing the keywords in your articles. It may also be done by constructing irrelevant articles that may only be helpful for you in the short run.

You may also run the risk of unknowingly plagiarizing similar online articles. Experts in SEO know how to effectively prevent this, so you should hire them instead.

There are certain algorithms involved in the implementation of SEO to your websites. Average businessmen do not have enough knowledge on this, so you should just leave it to the experts.

Online business owners can benefit a lot of SEO consulting services. However, knowing and understanding the risks of SEO is also just as important. Finding a good SEO consulting service is much easier nowadays because there are a lot of experts ready to serve you.

Lunes, Mayo 21, 2012

Pursuing Corporate Identity Design: A Must for All Entrepreneurs

While most business owners recognize the true importance of proper corporate identity design, there are those who remain skeptical of the need to come up with interesting logos and documents. To explain further, some entrepreneurs often claim that those running small businesses should just focus on building and maintaining favorable client relations instead of spending resources on identity design endeavors. It should be pointed out however, that an effective visual representation is needed in order to grab the public’s attention. Simply put, companies that do not have the right identity designs would not be able to garner enough clients.

As to be expected, most people would want to learn more about the importance of corporate identity design. For one, clients immediately associate firms that have eye-catching logos with years of business experience. Of course, some people might hastily dismiss such a notion as hogwash. Those with such a perspective should definitely keep in mind that the largest corporations often have the most visually-striking and meaningful logos. In this sense, it is no longer surprising to realize that most people hastily assume that a firm with a well-designed logo has been in business for quite a while, continuing to satisfy countless clients with its services.    

As made clear above, a business owner who spends time and money to pursue goals regarding corporate identity design would eventually find out that such endeavors are indeed beneficial. In addition to perks pertaining to assumptions made by customers though, well-designed logos and visually-impressive documents would surely allow clients to remember one’s firm easily. After all, people’s memories function in a rather simple manner: the most interesting images are often remembered, while those that are far from being visually-appealing are quickly forgotten. Simply put, having the right identity design boosts customer recognition and retention.  

Given such points about corporate identity design, it becomes clear that those aiming to broaden their client base should definitely consider logo and document design as among their priorities. To explain further, companies that follow top-notch corporate identity plans are those that are able to remain in the minds of current clients and pique the interest of potential customers. Thus, when people converse about certain products and services, rest assured that the offerings of such firms would be positively discussed. As to be expected, such casual talks would lead to increased sales as well as new opportunities: outcomes that all business owners aim for.

Coming up with the most suitable identity design for a company is important for three main reasons. For one, most consumers believe that firms that have attention-grabbing logos are those backed by years of business experience. As also mentioned, companies that succeed in establishing proper corporate identities are those easily remembered and recognized by clients. Of course, entrepreneurs who opt to engage in identity design endeavors would eventually realize that they are gaining more customers and thus are noticing improvements in sales. All in all, it cannot be denied that every entrepreneur should take corporate identity design seriously.    

Linggo, Abril 22, 2012

Get Noticed with Corporate Branding

A company is only as good as the services it provides. Yes, it is important to continuously better your services. But, what good is excellent service when you don’t have any clients that avail of it? Your company needs to be known in the industry for your company to have a decent rank in the industry. By this, you are going to need a proper corporate branding strategy. The brand that your company goes by defines your entire company. It’s the same brand that the general public, including your target audience, will come to know about your service. And when it comes to your clients’ needs, you want your brand to be the first thing that comes into mind.

In creating a brand for your company, it needs to be direct and to the point. People these days aren’t so keen at lingering at something just to see if it can solve their problems and attend to their needs. Your brand needs to be to the point when it says that you’re the company to choose. Recognition is what your brand needs to attain but also, it needs to be unique and it needs to stand out. Your company’s brand needs to eliminate all thoughts of your competitors and your company alone remains.

Clients need to be ensures of high quality services and that they are getting their money’s worth. A way to give them the reassurance they want is by the brand that you create. The brand you make for your company carries your reputation and if your brand is something that sports credibility and trustworthiness, clients will put their money on your company. When you have established credibility with your brand, your corporate branding campaigns will provide loyalty from your clients. Your brand allows you the standard of excellence and consistency in the industry. This is something you need to live up to for your company to get anywhere.

Your brand also gives off a sense of motivation towards your customers. Your services have been sealed with your brand of excellence and so they need not look for another company. The brand that you have established also becomes the flag by which your members work under. They work for the common goal of living up to the name of the brand you have created. Your company’s brand is important outside of the corporation and inside the team as well.

Lunes, Abril 9, 2012

SEO Consulting Services: The Right Photographs on Your Website

They say that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. A photograph can send messages more than words can utter. It has the power to influence, inspire and believe it or not- change a person’s life. If you’re planning to put a website for your business, try putting only pictures of quality and make sure that it will contribute to the interest of your prospective clients. Quality pictures can easily capture the eyes of your viewers so make sure to post only the ones that will make their heads turn to it and be glued on visiting your website. This can earn your site’s popularity, but in order to be sure that both search engines and people notice you; seeking advice from internet marketing companies who offer SEO consulting services is necessary.

Shooting in high definition is one of the things to be included as part of the quality of the photos to be posted on the website. This will maintain the professional level of your business page. Proper lighting is also another thing to be considered as this affects the quality of the picture as well. To create a concept for the photograph is a must because this will give meaning and direction to your post. Depending on your business line or website’s product should your photos be related to. If your business is a law firm, then your photographs should look more corporate. The color and texture of the picture should also be part of the theme of your concept and your site’s context. This will all be taught to you when you ask for some help from companies offering SEO consulting services.

The right keywords tagged on your photos will also contribute to the flow of traffic leading people to your site. Search engines will notice your page once you tag your pictures with words that are high in search results. You can always check what are the words related to your pictures on Google AdWords to increase your traffic rate. Nevertheless, if you think it’s going to take a lot of your time to do all these things; you can always ask help from internet marketing companies to do the job for you. Their SEO consulting services can definitely make a difference on making your website popular as they know the secrets and techniques on how to do it. Don’t hesitate to avail their services because nothing is more effective on boosting your website’s ranking than having a SEO consultant run it.

Huwebes, Marso 22, 2012

Achieving Brand Recognition via Internet Reputation Management

The internet has created a different world to where people can easily access everything. This created links and bridges to where business dealings with other countries can be done. Online trade opens a lot of opportunities for both big and small business. With the leveled playing field, gaining customers are determined by your credibility. To assist you in maintaining online credibility, businesses rely on internet reputation management. This allows big and small businesses in keeping a pristine image thus increasing clients’ confidence on the services you offer.

Internet reputation management creates a campaign promoting your company’s online identity. Your online identity becomes your brand and eventually the reason that you will be known for. The campaign starts in creating brand awareness. This can be achieved by publishing online contents that define your brand. These online contents not only introduce your products and service to the market in a very relatable way. These could be reviews, related articles, videos that present your products.

In internet reputation management, published contents acts as a gateway to a lot of other online marketing strategies. This brings us to the use of keywords and phrases used on search engines to promote your online popularity. Certain keywords and phrases can be assigned to your website when searched online. Like Coke, for example, is associated to the words; soda, soft drinks or the phrase; “it’s the real thing”. With proper keyword association, potential customers can directly access your website.

Also part of using keywords and phrases is the proliferation of these keywords and phrases online. The number of keywords is summed up to add to your online reputation. Internet Reputation Management banks on statistics and online commerce this time. With enough keywords published online, this grants you with a higher possibility of being on the top search list compared to competition. Constant visibility of your brand leads to brand retention.

But the use of online contents not only proves to be useful there. Internet Reputation Management also flushes out any wrong publicity against your company to make sure that when client research on your services, they are then provided with a good reviews that highlights your company’s strengths. In maintaining your reputation, bad publicity can be daunting. With good amount of reviews published online, you can eradicate negative feedbacks. With good feedback, you achieve brand confidence.

Internet Reputation Management uses online contents to provide easy access to your website. Online contents create the need, providing soft advertisement leading to your site. Then these enticed customers can click on links on these online contents so they can purchase your services, resulting to more business. Internet Reputation Management build your brand, maintains good brand image and with easy access to everyone, who knows? Your business could be the next global brand.

Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2012

Business and Corporate Identity – The Perfect Partner for Success

A company with a strong sense of Corporate Identity can assure clients of only strategic and rehearsed planning and a deliverance of consistent service. A company that is dedicated to the cause of their own company can be counted upon to deliver to the best of its ability, services of only the highest quality, so that their name in the industry may remain trustworthy and reliable. That is the kind of company that you want to be identified as. That is the kind of reputation you want your company to have.

The reputation of your company needs to remain intact and respectable through the delivery and presentation of the service your company provides. It needs to be consistent and equal all throughout, in order to develop reassuring brand name. The teams behind your company need to know this. They need to know that they’re living up to the standards that your company has for its services. For them to work under a common goal, your Corporate Identity needs to be properly established inside your own business first. You need to recognize that your identity is representing everything that your company is, everything your company does and everything you want your company to be.

The main focal point in developing a Corporate Identity is representing your company entirely. All aspects of your company are conjoined together to make the strongholds of establishing a company’s identity as a corporation. Every aspect is equal and vital in maintaining the consistency and quality of your company’s name and the services your corporation provides. Having a strong and developed identity can create a powerful impact on your rank in the industry. Your identity represents everything your company is about and everything your company can do. You need to make certain that the identity you create is one that clients can remember.

The visual representation of your company needs to represent the quality of services that your company can provide. When people identify your standards as a company, just by seeing your logo or name, they’ll know that this is a company to be reckoned with. The translation of everything your company is about is represented by the visual aspects your clientele can see. A strong, well built Corporate Identity leads your company to a standard that makes you memorable in the eyes of the general public. Your identity is your trademark in the industry and you need to make yourself distinguishable among the rest.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2012

How to use traditional and new media marketing materials in your business

While most business owners understand the importance of effective marketing materials for their businesses, many get confused nowadays about which types they should use. Much of marketing has moved to the web, but that doesn't mean a business owner should forgo all print collateral. The most effective marketing plans include both. Here are some ideas for how to incorporate both types into a small business marketing plan.


Brochures are like the visual equivalent of the workhorse; they do a lot of work without costing a lot of money. These types of marketing collateral combine text, pictures and graphics together, giving prospective clients an idea about your business's unique selling proposition. Many businesses have them online now, but it's a good idea for business owners to carry a few with them. The brochure gives a more detailed description of a company than a business card does and they provide talking points for the business owner when he or she is with a new customer. A brochure lays everything out for them and provides the potential client with something that's more visually appealing—and therefore memorable.

Online Blog

A blog counts as one of the best types of free marketing materials a business owner has at his or her disposal. Websites like Blogger or Tumblr allow anyone to create a free blog, which the business person can use to not only build interest in a new company, but also to connect with people who are already clients.

To most effectively use these types of marketing materials, a business owner should plan on marketing the blog using both traditional and new media outlets. For example, the blog address should be written on a business card or brochure or those clients who receive an emailed newsletter should get links to the blog in each new issues of the newsletter.

Finally, adding a call to action to a blog like a contest ensures that customers are engaged and actively helping a business owner promote his or her business.

Press Releases

Many company PR departments use press releases to directly garner local and national media interest in their companies. Although this is one way to build a brand, it's not the only way that a company should use these important marketing materials. There are online PR companies that distribute press releases, which large and small media outlets use to add filler to their newsletters, weekly newspapers and other printed or online materials. Companies like PR Web or PR Newswire bring a business in front of bigger markets or allow it to expand into different markets.

However, a business owner who uses a press release as part of his or her marketing strategy should keep in mind that the information must still be newsworthy to be picked up by a news outlet. For these marketing materials to be effective, the person writing them must think like a reporter or news director. For example, a new business that's opening in the community is news, a sale is not.

Mobile Apps

Phones have come a long way, and savvy business owners are implementing marketing materials like free mobile apps to attract faithful customers. Big companies like Aveda or L'Oreal are creating apps as part of their marketing plans, and these marketing materials can be used for a number of things. Businesses can use them to help a customer navigate their stores or to alert mailing list clients about new sales. A small business owner can visit sites like eLance or ODesk to find designers who can create a mobile app for a reasonable price.


When creating marketing ideas for a business, a company owner should plan on using both traditional and new media to make these business promotion items. Before any steps are taken, the company owner along with the marketing/ sales manager should sit down and write out a budget for each type of marketing collateral and how it will be used in the overall scheme of the marketing plan.

Martes, Pebrero 14, 2012

SEO Consulting Services on Branding: Consistency and Reinvention

Sometimes coming up with the brand for your business’ website can be easy. The challenging part is the consistency. There will be new ideas and inspiration that will make you want to change it eventually but the problem is you shouldn’t. Once your business has been branded, its identity has already been made. But how are you going to cater and make it blend with this ever-changing world? The key is innovation. You can reinvent your brand without changing it entirely. SEO consulting services can help you with the maintenance and the tweaking of your business and website’s brand to cope up with the current time.

Dealing with some SEO consulting services doesn’t just mean making your page rank high or be popular to search engines but even the subject of marketing and advertising is included.

Everything that contributes to your business’ popularity is what internet marketing companies who handle SEO consulting services is concern about. They know how branding and its maintenance are important to your site, that’s why they have programs that will deal with the reinventing of your web pages. Your website can’t have the same web design it has for the last 5 years. It has to blend well with the time without affecting your branding in general. For example is that your company’s brand is known to have dark and edgy colors so it went well with the simple black background 5 years ago. But now, website viewers want more than just the simple black background; adding videos and photos to it has to be considered without removing your image of still being dark and edgy.

It’s not enough to have a one-time deal with branding; it’s an on going process that requires an on going work. You don’t need to worry about it alone because experts on SEO consulting services can handle it for you. It has now become a necessity to avail these kinds of services because it helps in making your work easier and faster. Branding is crucial to any company as this is what represents your business’ products and services. It’s what will people remember once they see your company’s logo or name. You can’t just change it because it could lead to confusion but you need to reinvent it to keep it fresh and new to the public’s eyes. The best thing to do is go to an internet marketing company to ask for their ideas on how you are you going to deal with your branding.

Huwebes, Pebrero 9, 2012

Get Competitive Edge with Corporate Identity

The Corporate Identity of your company is the first thing that your potential clients will know about your company. Everything that your company is: what it is, the services your company offers, the quality of the services and where you want your company to go in the industry. The image that you create for your corporation is the symbol by which your company is recognized in the industry. Your company’s image will be established by the clients at first glance and so you need to be distinguished and recognizable right off the bat.

A well established Corporate Identity can determine your standing in the industry of your company’s profession. From the origin, every touch point your services extend to and the true definition of your company is relayed by that image. Every corporation has an image and an identity by which it stands by but it is your goal to create a reputation for your company to make it in such a way that yours is the most easily recognized as the best in the industry. The competitive landscape requires a great deal of originality, credibility and experience in the field. You need to be fully established from the inside out to make it anywhere in the industry.

The identity that you have created for your corporation is what is going to be broadcasted by print or electronic media. By a few color schemes, lines and a logo – your entire corporation is defined and ranked. The main goal of creating a properly constructed Corporate Identity is to create a trademark for your business that will make your company trustworthy and high ranking in the industry. You want your brand to be the first thing that comes to mind when potential clients think of where to avail of the best possible service.

Strategic planning and processing are required in establishing and implementing a proper image to represent your corporation. The visual aspect of the image you have build for your corporation is where your clients can get all of the information they can get out of your company. Clients seek security when availing of their needs and so they need to be reassured that the trademark of your company is something that gives them a peace of mind that their needs are being met.

The visual image that you create for your company is also the main flag by which your team works under. When they have a common goal to work for, their services have a certain reputation to live up to and they are more motivated to work under your company.

Miyerkules, Enero 18, 2012

Building Reputation through Proper Corporate Branding

When you think of branding, the first thing that usually comes to mind is a farmer putting hot iron against the skin of a cow to mark that cow as his own and not any other farmer’s. That brand that the farmer has given the cow identifies that cow as his. It is virtually the same concept with corporate branding and marketing in the business setting. The brand of your company marks your services as your own. Your brand identifies you in the industry. Your brand is your identity and it is what separates you from the rest of the companies in the competitive industry. A well built brand erases all traces of the other companies in the industries and in the eyes of the general public, only your company reigns supreme.

Think of all the successful brands in the business. When you see the tagline ‘I’m lovin’ it’, you can automatically associate it with McDonalds and everything it offers. From a single line or a simple logo, your company is recognized and defined in the industry. It’s your goal to create a brand that will be easily recognizable in the industry. Proper corporate branding design could make or break your ranking in the industry so it is very important that you take this matter seriously, for the sake of your company.

When you present your brand to the general public, it’s a general dilemma on how to make sure it sticks into their minds. When they see your image, your logo, your tagline – they should be able to connect it with your company. You want your brand to stand out against the competition in order for your reputation as a company to spread out. You need to figure out what your clients want and need and how to tell them that you’re the company for the job.

Your brand also needs to be relevant to the industry where your company belongs in. You’re not going to base a design for your company on rainbows and muted pinks when you’re trying to appeal to an audience that consists of men. You need to fully understand what your company does, what your company is capable of doing and where your company wants to go. That is what the brand defines and identifies in the business and with that, your company can be recalled by your potential clients. Just as much as your brand must appeal for your company, it has to connect with your company too.

Linggo, Enero 8, 2012

Introduction to GreyBox Creative

Grey Box Creative is a premier full-service graphic design firm. Our award winning design team is located in Manhattan and has been designing complete corporate identity packages both in print and online. Over the years we have work with a wide-array of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, startups, pharmaceuticals, and most notably hedge funds and the alternative asset management community.

The Grey Box team has distinguished itself through creativity, development of strategic solutions and the ability to communicate a client’s objectives with clarity and precision. We are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of services. Our mission is to provide our clients with design, printing and web technology solutions that transcend their core message and help build their business.

For more details about us, visit our website at http://www.greyboxcreative.com/ or check out our Facebook Page.